Happy Mother’s Day! For more information on proof brands
visit www.proofbrands.com
mama tea 48 oz boiling water • 6+ cups ice • 6 Sloane Tea
Citron Chamomile tea bags • ½ cup sugar • 1 cup loosely-packed mint leaves
(plus a few more for garnish) • 1 bottle proof whisky • juice of 1 lime • juice
of 1 lemon (1 lime & 1 lemon for garnish)
Boil water and add to Sloane Tea bags. Steep for 5 minutes.
Pour into a large pitcher, along with the sugar and the ice. As the ice melts,
juice one lemon and one lime and then slice the other two for garnish. Loosely
muddle the mint leaves in a glass or bowl. Into the pitcher of now-sweetened
tea, stir in the proof whisky, lemon & lime juices and mint. When ready to
serve, fill pitcher with ice and citrus slices. Serve over ice with extra mint,
citrus slices or sprigs of rosemary. (Adjust sweetness to taste)
We recently met with the owners of Sloane Tea in Toronto and
we are already working on a series of cocktails made with the teas. Its pretty
packaging and great flavours make it a perfect gift for mom.
At Sloane, we are an alliance of Fine Tea Merchants of
premium specialty teas sourced directly from point-of-origin. We are the
exclusive distributors in North America for the guild of gardens we represent,
the most prized estate of which has been producing tea since 1899. The stunning
packaging, the taste of our teas, the beauty of its colour in your cup, and the
enticing fragrance combine old-world charm and gentility into an affordable
luxury beloved by gourmet food consumers and specialty gift collectors. We are
certified tea sommeliers, professional chefs, culinary educators,
restauranteurs, and lovers of tea – a community of friends stewarding tea as
gastronomy … we are Sloane!
Visit their website to get an idea of their great range in flavours, their
recipes and beautiful photos with Bicyclette (http://sloanetea.com)
If you are looking for something different to do with mom,
start out taking her for brunch at the Gladstone Hotel
Another great place that may appeal to your
mom is the French Bistro and Boulanger, Cluny Bistro at the Distillery.
It’s beautiful space seems to be the perfect spot for a drawn out brunch on a
Sunday morning. (clunybistro.com)
Happy Mother’s Day!