Okay, before we jump right into New Year’s Eve, let’s chat about Boxing Day. Picture this – 6 teams, six locations, 12 challenges and lots of food and drink. Today we are giving you a photo recap of our Amazing Race Boxing Day Bash, and leaving you with this sparkly New Year’s cocktail. Have a safe and Happy New Year! Like us on Facebook and Twitter to get last minute updates on tastings, parties & events.
2012 1 1/2 oz proof white rum • 1/2 oz lime juice • 1/2 oz simple syrup • 2 oz pomegranate juice • 3 oz prosecco or sparkling water • mint
To a shaker filled with ice add proof rum, lime juice, simple syrup and pomegranate juice. Shake and pour into a champagne glass. Top with sparkling water or prosecco, garnish with a mint sprig and party like it’s 2012.
We are all shopped out after Christmas, so, for us, Boxing Day means – annual PARTY! This year’s theme was The Amazing Race Part II. And despite the lack of snow, we still managed to enjoy a tour around the chosen wintry locations of: Alaska, Netherlands, Russia, Nepal, Norway and Austria. Each team was assigned a location. Here is a little review of our fun evening. (Note: due to the 'shyness' of the group, most photos do not include people)
Our first stop was Alaska. We were served a ‘Welcome’ champagne and cranberry cocktail (or two) and proof whisky toddies, outside on the back patio. We snacked on chili, blueberry and maple glazed beef tenderloin toasts, sliders with carmelized onions, salmon bisque, maple-coated popcorn and arctic char grilled with a maple glaze. The activities were acorn slingshot shooting and find the gold-rush pieces. We finally roasted marshmallows by the fire before moving on.
Next stop was the Netherlands, for a kick-ass dutch cheese tray, deviled eggs with shrimp, french fries with herbed mayos, gingerbread cookies, Bols shots, and Heineken and Grolsch beer. The activities included bicycle races, a Dutch Oven bake-off (Iron Chef Style) and an art auction.
Then, on to Russia for some potato salad, perogi, proof vodka shots, Russian dancing, and table top hockey.
On to Nepal we travelled for some bbq pork momos, black sesame rice balls, and ginger & curried beef skewers. Here we did a little trivia and memory game.
Norway was a lot of fun – so much fun in fact that most photos were marked as classified. Meatballs, shots of akevitt, a Viking play, followed by a dance party.
Our last, but definitely not least stop, was Vienna, Austria. Rich tortes, decadent desserts and hot cocoa spiked with Golschlager and Peppermint Schnapps. It was a Sound of Music karaoke.
A BIG thank-you to all of our friends and family, for being such zany, interesting and imaginative people. The holidays would not be the same without you!
Weekend Forecast:
Saturday: Variable cloudiness and a high of 3 degrees.
Sunday: Cloudy with showers and a high of 4 degrees
Monday: Sunny with a few flurries and a high of -2 degrees
Happy 2012 everyone!

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